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Gradient background. Credit: angeluisma / iStock + WCC Logo and the word "Programs" overlaid

Graduate Programs at the WCC

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Welcome Stanford Graduate Students! 

The WCC is a space for YOU, too. The Graduate Program supports the feminist graduate community and those interested in gender equity on campus. Throughout the year we offer a range of opportunities to connect with other grad students, explore gender/equity/identity/justice, practice self and community care, and more. We encourage you to sign up on one or both our our mailing lists: Grad Women's Network - GWN and/or the Grad Women of Color - GWOC to hear more about our latest events and programs.

2023-24 Neighborhood Decorative Accent Line

Check Out Our WCC Grad Welcome Video! 

2023-24 Neighborhood Decorative Accent Line

If you have any questions or thoughts around ways we can better serve our WCC graduate community, please feel free to reach out to Faith Kazmi.

The WCC tabling in White Plaza.