Additional Ways to Engage With the WCC
Here you can learn about additional ways to engage with the Women's Community Center including internships, staffing, the WCC Announce-List, and more!
Engagement Opportunities
Subscribe to the WCC's Email List
The WCC-announce email list is a valuable resource to share events and opportunities at Stanford relating to gender equity and social justice issues. As part of your membership on this list, we invite you to publicize for the groups with which you’re involved on campus.
Sign up for the WCC-announce list here
More About the List
To ensure the list is beneficial and relevant to all recipients and reflects our mission, all posts must support the holistic care and well-being as well as the collective safety and liberation of gender expansive students at Stanford by providing innovative opportunities to explore topics around Gender, Equity, Identity, and Justice.
Although we encourage you to embrace your individual beliefs, please use your best judgment in posting about topics that are appropriate and relevant for the Women’s Community Center subscribers. Here are a few specific guidelines to follow before posting to the list:
- All posts must relate to the WCC mission and values centered around Gender, Equity, Identity, and Justice.
- Given that our work is also grounded in intersectionality, community, justice, anti-racism, and collective liberation, the WCC works to uplift voices, events, and opportunities that strive to mitigate the on-going and intersectional effects of colonialism, white supremacy, cis-hetero-patriarchy, and capitalism at Stanford and in the broader society we live in.
- All events and opportunities posted to the list must be sponsored by a relevant University department/organization.
- Post only from your address.
- Typically, if you are requesting the WCC takes an active role in promoting an event/opportunity through our lists or other platforms, this would fall under the purview of a ‘Co-Sponsorship Request.’
- All Co-Sponsorship Requests must be sent to and include clear, relevant information pertaining to your event/opportunity (i.e. event date/time, host org, participants, and other logistics) and a flyer. Please also state how you would like the WCC to co-sponsor your event (funding, publicity, space usage, etc). Please note that requests are subject to the collective approval of the WCC staff.
- Do not post more than twice about a single event. (We consider this spam.)
- Do not use offensive language or graphics in your posts.
WCC Internships
If you're an undergraduate student interested in getting involved and helping out for a few hours a week at the WCC, apply to be a WCC intern! Internships are a year-long commitment to support the work of the WCC, and they're a great opportunity to learn about Stanford and the WCC and gain relevant leadership skills with a cohort of interns. You can also earn a small stipend or an FGSS course credit for you intern work at the WCC. Applications are available in the fall.
- If you're a graduate student interested in helping out with events or getting involved, visit this link to learn more about programs for the graduate community and to contact the WCC Graduate Program Coordinators.
- Other ideas? Contact the WCC staff and we'll figure something out!
Work at the WCC
The Women’s Community Center hires both undergraduate and graduate students each year to plan and implement creative programming that help us meet our mission. The application and interview process takes place every spring quarter for employment the following academic year. If you have a strong interest in social justice, intersectionality, and gender equity, we encourage you to apply. Applications available each spring. For more information, visit this page or contact the WCC Directors.
Contribute to Love Notes From the WCC
Have an idea for Love Notes From the WCC? Email WCC Staff with your idea and a staff member will work with you to see if it's a good fit. Our Love Notes From the WCC newsletter exists to serve as a platform, grounded in the mission and values of the WCC, to inform and facilitate conversations around issues affecting gender marginalized and expansive communities as well as share student voices, perspectives, and ideas rooted in community care, holistic healing, and collective liberation with the broader WCC and Stanford community.