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About the Men & Masculinities Project

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Fraternity men’s sexual violence prevention workshop with Dr. Jackson Katz, February 2016 Photo by Spencer Atkinson.

The aim of the Masculinities Project is to help men become fulfilled, free, and empathetic by promoting meaningful dialogue and action around gender in the Stanford community.

The Masculinities Project brings together students, faculty, staff, and community members to discuss issues of masculinity and manhood* – particularly as pertains to the ways that we can support Stanford’s man-identified students in developing healthy and inclusive gender identities.

We are building a coalition across student communities and campus departments through which to learn from each other’s personal experiences with gender socialization, combat structural inequalities that privilege manhood, and develop new programmatic efforts that will reshape the campus culture around gender.

Our Goals:

  • Invite men to analyze traditional notions of masculinity, better understand the attitudes and influences that shape their performance of manhood, and examine how gender intersects with other dimensions of identity, power, and privilege – in order to make campus climate safer and more supportive for all students.

  • Provide men a space for critical self-reflection and dialogue focused on the examination of societal images, expectations, and messages around masculinity, in order to empower men to better understand themselves and raise consciousness amongst their peers through leadership and mentoring opportunities.

  • Empower men to be active agents of positive and sustainable change on campus and in the community, striving to dismantle systemic structures of power and oppression, and advocate against gender-based violence.

* The Masculinities Project is affirming of all genders. We employ the term “men” to include anyone who self-identifies with manhood or maleness, while celebrating that those identities are part of a spectrum of gender.


How To Get Involved